
Thursday, June 28, 2007

stort of someone elses life :this part is called does it matter

as the night set in .ever so slowly...i couldnt help but feel suffocated..the still of the night really made wanna breathe again
it was dark and cold night...i walked down..the flight of stairs in the abandoned building..not really abandoned it had been my home for more than a year now...a year is it..lost track of time....
nothing was a hell hole...
in the past so many months ive learnt many things...
how to steal to kill and most importantly how not to feel any more...
i strolled along the streets..the night was turning colder and my heart was racing jus tht much faster...
there was this inexplicable lull of immaculate noise...
it was leading to something..something big...

1 comment:

Vishesh said...

lol :)